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February 16, 2025

Franklin Roosevelt served as the President of the United States longer than any other human (1933-1945).  His first two terms were dedicated to fighting the Great Depression.  His third and fourth terms were spent fighting the Axis Powers during World War II.  He died while in office on April 12,1945 at the age of 63.  The German leadership was said to rejoice, seeing the death as a sign that things would turn around, even as allied troops were closing in on Berlin.  The Japanese, on the other hand, were sympathetic towards the U.S. while fearing that the death would increase U.S. resolve.

When Vice President Harry Truman learned that he was suddenly President, he said that he felt as if “the moon, the stars and all the planets had fallen” on him.  Yet he publicly expressed his dependance on God.  In fact, he expressed his reliance on God as much if not more than any other President.

This month I’m preaching on “Celebrate God’s Love with Others,” and, in light of President’s Day weekend, I’m preaching on “Celebrate God’s Love with Your Nation” from 1 Chronicles 17:16-27.  We’ll join King David in his praise of God as we talk about “Be Humble before God,” verses 16-19; “Acknowledge God’s Greatness,” verse 20; “Thank God for His Favors to Your Nation,” verses 21-22; and “Have Faith in God’s Future Blessings,” verses 23-27.

God has truly blessed our nation.  A clerk in the grocery store told me the other day that she’s disgusted with our nation and wishes she could live on the other side of the pond (“the pond” is a British expression for the Atlantic Ocean).  I was surprised!  I remembered talking to a man from England who said, “The best place to be in England is on a plane to America.”  I agree with him!

Please come Sunday and celebrate your love for the United States of America, and especially your love for God. 


Jim Meek

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