
Director: Jafet Estevez


We focus on encouraging our young people to actively serve God by using their time and talents to glorify Him in everything they do; whether it be a home, school or in their community.


Bible Study

Sundays            9-10 am

Wednesdays      6:30-7:30 pm

Youth Movie Night!

Friday, February 28th, 6:30 pm - 9 pm, Youth Center

Join us for this fun time!

Contact Jafet Estevez for more information!

Youth Snow Day

March 8th—9 am

Please let Jafet Estevez know if  you plan on attending so he can coordinate transportation!

Meet at First Baptist Church of Orangevale

8998 Central Avenue

Orangevale, CA 95662

We will leave the mountain around 2 pm and be back to the church by 4(ish)

Location:  Spooner Summit Snow Play Area


Some fun in the Youth Department!





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